Cross Medium Conversion

Utkarsh Vardhan
1 min readDec 1, 2020

One of the constraining issues of the last decade for Digital Marketers was Cross Medium Conversion.

Synopsis :
You see a Netflix ad on your Mobile device. Two days later, you go to the Netflix website on your desktop and subscribe to Netflix. According to the previous framework, You should be considered an organic customer as you haven’t landed on the website after clicking an ad, but you are definitely influenced by the mobile ad you saw two days ago, and the attribution should go to that ad network who presented you the ad.

Ad Networks have made significant strides in this domain in the past decade, but confidence intervals are still used for estimation.

The significant issue which I feel needs to be tackled now by organisations is Cross — Medium Conversion.

Synopsis :
You search for a chair online. You interact with some ads and finally go to a physical store and buy a chair. Here you are considered an organic customer instead of someone who was introduced into the funnel long back.

Although tech giants are working to bridge the gap, still notable work is needed.



Utkarsh Vardhan

Startup Enthusiast and currently an MBA Student. Loves Tough Topics.